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Donors July 2015 - July 2024

Donors, big and small, have helped the Oregon Splash Pad to become a reality in 2025.  Without each and every one of you, we would not be able to build a FREE  Splash Pad for all ages and abilities to enjoy in the summer.  Thank you from the entire team who have helped move this project forward for and by the Oregon-Brooklyn Community!!

AMC Pharmacy Solutions Inc
Academy of Sound, LLC
Ackermann, Steve & Renee
Adams, Jill
Adler, Christine
After School Club
All-Color Powder Coating
Allen, Kelly
Altschafl, Jeremy & Beth
Anderson, Mary
Baumgardner, Dean
Bavery, Yvonne
Bechan, Carlene
Bechen, Erin
Beecher, Shirley (Family)
Bergey Jewelry
Bergey, Jill
Bergstrom, Leslie
Bertler, Daniel
Blakeman, Cheri
Blanchard, Deanna
Bonde, Justine
Bonsett-Veal, Jan
Boothe, Gregory & Jean
Bossingham, Debra
Bossingham/Newton Family
Bowen, David & Joann
Bradley, Donna
Brekke, Britt
Brink, Mary (Sandra)
Brooklyn Fire & EMS
Brothers HVAC
Brown, Timothy & Laura
Brownfield, Andrew
Bruess. Richard
Burmeister, Corrie
Burns, Laura
Byers, Rodney
Chapman, Elizabeth
Christensen, Gloria & Arlen
Clark, Mary Kay
Clark, Pam
Clark, Tom
Commons, Peter
Cutter, Levi
Cyr, Angela
Dahl, Renee
Davidson, Karin
Davis, Douglas
Dempich, Ida
Dental Health Associates of Madison
Diedrich, Robert & Valerie
Dreyske, Andrea
Drs. James and Enyart
Earle, Amanda & Eric
Ebert, Kiley
Elver, Beth
Erb, Matt
Erfurth, Christopher
Erfurth, Dennis
Erfurth, Kim
Eustice, Ben & Lainie
Evjue Foundation
Fahey Pumps
Farrar, Drs. Lynda and Dennis
Faust, Dorothy
Faust, John & Sue
Feeney, Barbara & Bill
Ferguson, Chad
Ferkey, Becca
Ferkey, Wade
Firefly Coffeehouse & Artisan Cheese
Fitsgerald, Patty
Fitzgerald, Evan & Patty
Flanagan, Krista
Freiberg, Joleen
Fritz, Jill & Mark
Garvoille, Angie and Steve
Garvoille, Beth
Garvoille, Jamie
Gary Wille's Auto
Gasner, David
Gebauer, Melanie
Gerlach, Angela
Gindt, Jamie
Girl Scouts of America 7720
Gits, John & Lisa
Glasser, Annette
Gonzalez, Erica
Gooze, Robert & Mary
Gorman & Co.
Graves, Tom
Graziano, Frank & Mary
Greisinger, Perry
Gunderson Funeral/Cremation
Haberman, Sue
Hasler, Colleen
Hayes, Lori L
Haynes, Mary Beth
Heide, Dave
Heim, Marcy
Herman, Mike
Hilgendorf, Kathy
Hill, Laura
Hill, Sherry
Hinkle, Sarah
Hinz, Pamela
Hrubes, Jessica
Hunkins, Carlyn
Hunter, Kelly
Hutchinson, Diana
Jacobson, Kyle & Jennifer
Jacobson, Thomas
Janes, Mark & Carrie
Johnson, Leah
Jonen, Jina
Juetten, Jeanette
Kanable. David
Karlburg, Margaret
Kehrmeyer, Donna
Keyes, Sara
Kieffer, Elizabeth
Kirch. Angela
Kirchdoerfer, Diana & Thomas
Klahn, Brenda
Klein, Julie
Klitzman, Kevin
Knight, Dawn
Knights of Columbus
Knipfer, Sean
Koelsch, Alison
Kopke's Fruit of the Bloom
Kopp, Amanda
Krall, Mickie
Krause Estate Planning
Krenz, Bob & Jan
Krueger, Jason
Krull, Ranae
Kwik Trip/Kwik Star
LSM Chiropractic
LaBelle, Tiffany
LaVoy, Barbara
Larsen, Jennifer
Larsen, Mark
Lebrun, Tim & Suzie
Levine, Jason
Lewis, Deb
Liberty Towing Service
Lies, Colleen
Lisowski, Meghan
Lokuta, Andrew
MacLeod, Randi & Sonny
Madison Community Foundation
Mahler, Pat
Maiers, David & Julie
Malson-Huddle, Elizabeth
Markham, William
Marsden Family
Marshall, Cindy
Maurice, Stephen
McCormick, Trina
McDowell, Colleen
McFarlane, Mary
Michels, Jon & Briana
Miller, Mark
Moore, Nathan
Moyer, Debra
Mueller, Rebecca
Nelson, Theresa
Newton, Kara
Newton, Steve
Noel, Steve & Becki
O'Brien, Nancy
O'Brien, Sara
OASC - Council on Aging
Oak Bank
Olsen, Dan
Olson, Tim K.
Olson, Vicki
Omni Technologies LLC
Oregon Daycare Inc
Oregon Daycare, Inc
Oregon Headliners 4H Club
Oregon Masonic Lodge
Oregon Optimist Club
Oregon Preschool Inc
Oregon Preschool Inc
Oregon Rotary Club
Oregon School District
Oregon School District Office Staff
Oregon Sno-Blazers
Oregon-Brooklyn Optimists Club
Oregon-Brooklyn VFW
Oregon-Brooklyn VFW in honor of Maynard Stoehr
Pease, Holly
Pellitteri Waste Systems
Peterson Pest Control
Peterson, Kathleen
Peterson, Megan
Pollock, Sheri
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